What impact the price of white fused alumina

What impact the price of white fused alumina

1. The price of raw materials: The raw material of white corundum is high-quality aluminum oxide powder, which is unevenly distributed throughout the country, and some are more or less. For manufacturers with a shortage of raw materials, their raw materials must be imported from other provinces. As a result, The price of raw materials, transportation costs, labor costs, etc. is not a small sum, and the manufacturer will not trade at a loss, so the price of finished white corundum will not below.

2. Electricity costs: Those in the industry should know that the production and processing of white corundum is large-scale machinery, which has high power and consumes a lot of electricity. However, electricity costs have been increasing in recent years. Overall, the electricity costs are also a large amount.

3. White fused alumina Quality: The quality of white corundum itself is also an important factor in determining the price of white corundum. The higher the purity of white corundum, the higher the quality and the higher the price. In some cases, the quality of white corundum is also greatly related to the production process. Relationship.

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